
  • MIT scenario planning methodology applied to Australian Inquiry

    Fri, 05/18/2018

    Scenario planning project using MIT-developed method, and led by MIT alum, is published by the Australian Government as part of Inquiry into National Freight and Supply Chain Priorities. (DARWIN, 18 May 2017) Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, the Hon Michael McCormack MP has released on Friday 18 May 2017 the…

  • Keynote presentation to energy industry group

    Tue, 07/26/2016

    Dr. Roberto Perez-Franco, Director of the MIT SCS Lab, gave the Keynote Presentation at LaunchPAd 2016, the annual user group conference of PowerAdvocate, dedicated to supply chain topics relevant to the energy industry. The presentation, “Rethinking your supply chain strategy”, was delivered to an audience of practitioners from the power, oil and gas sectors. Copies of the…

  • Presentation of SCS Lab book in Panama

    Fri, 05/13/2016

    “Rethinking your supply chain strategy”, a practitioner-oriented book published by the MIT Supply Chain Strategy Lab, was presented the morning of May 13, 2016, in Panama, the homeland of its author, Dr. Roberto Perez-Franco, Director of the MIT SCS Lab. The presentation was organized by the Logistics Bureau (Gabinete Logistico) of the Republic of Panama,…